Sharx 8-Ball Pool League *currently full*

Pool League Interest Form

Current League is *Full*

If you are interested in joining next semester fill out the form below and we will email you before the first meeting date.

*If you are interested in being an alternate in our current league, please leave your phone number*


You will hear from us soon. You can also contact us through social media, links can be found below!

Frequently Asked Questions

How many members make up a team?

Teams are between 3-10 players

What 8-ball rules do you follow?

We follow the VNEA rules

Can I play in the league and the Tournament?

Absolutely! We encourage it

Where does the money go?

100% of the pay-out goes back into the league, every team is guaranteed to get some money back

How long is a season? 

We meet the first week of the PSU semester to make teams, the season runs around 11 weeks and ends in a party!
*This is a weekly commitment*